Janakpur Tour

Язык Английский, Французский, хинди, Японский, непальский
Стоимость 350 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 8 часов

Embark on a sacred sojourn with the "Sacred Sojourn: Exploring Janakpur's Cultural Heritage" tour and immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of Janakpur. Located in Nepal, Janakpur is steeped in mythology and is considered the birthplace of Goddess Sita, as mentioned in the epic Hindu tale of Ramayana. The tour takes you on a journey to explore the historical and religious sites of Janakpur, including the revered Janaki Temple dedicated to Goddess Sita and the ancient Ram Mandir. Marvel at the intricate architecture and exquisite artwork that adorns these sacred structures. Delve into the local culture by visiting vibrant markets, where you can witness traditional arts and crafts, and engage with the friendly locals. The "Sacred Sojourn: Exploring Janakpur's Cultural Heritage" tour promises a profound and enlightening experience, allowing you to connect with the spiritual roots and cultural treasures of this sacred city.


07:30 Drive from your hotel to the airport in Kathmandu

08:50 - Fly to Janakpur

9:30 Drive to Ram Janaki temple including Ram Sita Vivaha mandap, and other attractions around

12:00 - Drive to Dhanusdham & explore

14:00 - Drive back to Janakpur

14:15 Lunch

15:00 - Drive back to Airport

15:30 Fly back to Kathmandu & Drive to the hotel


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