Excursion to Etna + visit to the Lava Flow Cave

Язык Английский, Итальянский
Стоимость 70 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 7 часов


Surrounded by a moonlike landscape, we'll learn to understand and explore Mount Etna, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, known for it's beauty and uniqueness.

Walking along the paths Europe's largest volcano, you'll admire the impressive volcanic structure with its typical flora and fauna.

We will cross Deserts of black sand, Woods, Ancient and Recent Lava Flows and Old Craters in order to admire the fascinating VALLE DEL BOVE.

We will also enter lava tubes, created during the volcano's eruptions, equipped with a helmet and flashlights. It'll be fascinating to descover not only their creation but also the secrets they so jelously conceal in their darkness.

Difficulty: Medium

Itinerary length: about 5.5 km

Maximum altitude: about 2100 m

Trekking duration: 3-3.5 hours approx

Difference in altitude: about 350 m

The route in the event of adverse weather conditions or real safety risks can be changed at the discretion of the guide

In this adventure you will be accompanied by me or by my co hosts, enthusiasts and experts of Etna!

Other things to note

The duration of the experience is indicative. Unforeseeable situations could cause the experience to end at a different time. It is alway

(It's important to wear trekking shoes or shoes you wouldn't mind ruining as at some point there will be a thriling decent into desert-like black sand)


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