3 Day Birding Safari: Nairobi National Park, Lake Naivasha & Lake Nakuru

Язык Английский
Стоимость 580 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 3 дня

3 Days Birding Safari: Nairobi National Park, Lake Naivasha & Lake Nakuru

This is a short photographic tour covering three interesting places full of birds namely the Nairobi National Park, being so close to the city of Nairobi offers convenient access to see animals in the wild just next to the city. Nairobi Park has a variety of bird species thanks to its rich water supply river and greener pastures within. The flora of the area supports birdlife.

Lake Naivasha has plenty of birds and offers wide space for bird watching.

Lake Nakuru is the feeding ground for flamingos, pelicans, and many other bird species. Both Nakuru and Nairobi Parks are also Rhino sanctuaries with Buffalos, Lions, and Leopards roaming around,

While on a 3-day tour of these places, you will get accommodation at good standards of choice.


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