Masai Ostrich Farm Tour, Nairobi Kitengela

Язык Английский
Стоимость 80 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 6 часов

Masai Ostrich Farm Tour

The Masai Ostrich Farm is East Africa’s largest commercial hub for ostrich farming, it was established in 1991. Named after the semi-nomadic ethnic group living in the area.

The farm ships feathers, meat, skins, and live ostrich throughout Kenya and abroad.

Around 1000 birds of two breeds are maintained here thus Blue-neck or Somali ostrich and the Masai ostrich, which has a pink neck and legs are bred in this farm.

Farm Activities - Ostrich Ride

This is a well-organized recreational activity involving a walk to see the ostriches. It is a closer interaction with the ostriches in a serene and secure environment.

One has the privilege to behold the world’s largest ostrich egg, see the downy and active ostrich chicks within the brooding facilities and crown it with the heard of adult breeder stock.

You’ll never miss a chance to see the dancing males with booming resonating sounds in a typical Savannah grassland. Come have a memorable experience worthy of your time and resource.

Ostrich Ride

Masai ostrich farm presents one of the most unique rides in East Africa. Guests have a chance to have a secure RIDE on trained ostriches under the guidance of experienced instructors.

It is beyond imagination to have a selfie photo from the back of an ostrich. You will be enabled to make your visit a reality with one of the trained ostriches named Bobby to ride on the field across the area.

Bobby soldiers on within the ridding court happily carrying guests on his back and proudly walks away then slowly saunters into a race ....begins the race... Go!

What a scene to Behold!!


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