Bomas of Kenya - Cultural Center

Язык Английский
Стоимость 65 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 4 часа

Day Trip – Bomas of Kenya Cultural Centre

Your tour starts by picking you up from your Nairobi Hotel or at 13:00 hours

Bomas of Kenya is run by the Kenyan Government to promote Kenya’s rich cultural heritage. The facility is a social community set up for showcasing culture, customs, and traditional activities as lived by local people. There is a splendid arena where acrobatic shows are performed.

Here you will experience the rich culture of Kenya’s 42 different ethnic groups as demonstrated through traditional dances, music, song, and folklore. In addition to the main attractions (the dancers and the traditional homesteads), there is also a large, wooden play area for young children, a small, low-key village of craft shops, and other attractions. dancers and spread.

These traditional houses are set out in clusters according to the region. The homes are grouped with the first wife’s hut, second wife’s hut, and granary, and you can see where the livestock are kept and the enormous variety between the huts in the local community lifestyle.


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