Язык Английский
Стоимость 700 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 2 недели

Sri Lanka is unmatched for its wildlife for an island of its size. The island has an astonishing array of wildlife and is one of the best places in the world for photographing large mammals in their natural habitats. It is the best place in the world for seeing Blue Whale. It has the largest seasonal concentration of Asian Elephants. The island is arguably the best for seeing and photographing leopard. The Sinharaja Bird Wave is the largest in the world and offers the best viewing. Sri Lanka has a host of other bio-diversity rich features and beautiful landscapes, which make it the Ultimate Wild Discovery

These Wild life tours” take you on a journey through, from Rainforests, National Parks, home to numerous bird species, herds of wild elephants, the elusive leopards, sloth bear and mugger crocodiles etc…. to deep seas in the Indian ocean in search of the giant blue whales & dolphins and to explore the endangered marine turtles come ashore for nestling…… But you still enjoy the cultural, Historical sites and beautiful sceneries of the island, while the tour


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