3 Days 2 Nights Safari The Best of Amboseli National Park

Язык Английский, Французский, Немецкий, Испанский
Стоимость 350 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 3 дня

Day 01:: Nairobi-Amboseli

Meet and greet at 1200hrs at group coming from Lake Nakuru by Bencia Africa Adventure & safaris from in the Afternoon and drive to Amboseli National Park arriving Amboseli well in time for lunch. Afternoon game drives in the park, a park famous for its big game and great scenic beauty whose entire landscape is dominated by Mt Kilimanjaro. Dinner and overnight at Kimana Camp {L, D}

Day 02: : Amboseli Full Day

After Breakfast start game drive at 0700Am then drive to the foot of the majestic Mt. Kilimanjaro, Africa's highest mountain. The snowcapped peak of Mt. Kilimanjaro rising above a saucer of clouds dominates every aspect of the Amboseli.The snows of the Mt. Kilimanjaro, white and crystalline form a majestic backdrop to one of Kenya's most spectacular display of wildlife-lion, elephant, leopard, rhino, cheetah, buffalo and hosts of plain's game creating Kenya's most sought after photographer's paradise. The park is also the home of Masai, those tall proud nomads who have learned to live in complete harmony with the wildlife that surrounds them ,Dinner and overnight Kimana Camp (B,L,D}

Day 03:: Amboseli - Nairobi

Early morning pre-breakfast game drive at 06:30am back for full breakfast at 09:00Am when you have the best chance to see the majestic Mt. Kilimanjaro, The snows of the Mt. Kilimanjaro, white and crystalline form a majestic backdrop to one of Kenya's most spectacular display of wildlife-lion, elephant, leopard, rhino, cheetah, buffalo and hosts of plain's game creating Kenya's most sought after photographer’s paradise. The park is also the home of Masai, those tall proud nomads who have learned to live in complete harmony with the wildlife that surrounds them. The back in Camp for Breakfast and afterwards depart with game viewing as you leave the park at around noon. Arrive Nairobi at in the later in afternoon to be drop at Nairobi

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