Язык Английский, хинди, Panjabi, Punjabi, Пушту, Русский, Urdu
Стоимость 178 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 5 часов

Hello Guests-You will able to see the Beautiful building Burana Tower.The tops of trees the Burana Tower stands tall, ancient and impressive, still surviving as one of Kyrgyzstan’s most outstanding historical sites.

70km from Bishkek, and 12km from the town of Tokmok, the Burana Tower is all that remains of the ancient city of Balasagun.

Once part of the Kalahandi khaganate that existed between the 9th- 11th centuries, Balasagun was ransacked by the Mongols in 1218. By the 14th century the city was destroyed and left in disrepair.


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