USSR History, Soviet Architectures, Mosaics & Statues

Язык Английский, хинди, Panjabi, Punjabi, Пушту, Urdu
Стоимость 89 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 4 часа

Hello Guests !!!!

Explore the Best Historical Parts of the City in order to explore the most beautiful part of the city of Kyrgyzstan Bishkek.

We will walk through all the main architectural parts of the city where you will able to learn the Historical aspects of the City and also the Best Statues which were made during soviet Union. I will Explain you the impact of the Russian Empire on the Kyrgyz people and how the nomadic lifestyle change to the most modern part of the time. You will explore the main sights of the city center and main avenues of the city.

Meanwhile I will able to suggest you more recommended places to go through during your stay in Kyrgyzstan



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