Paron Lake full day tour

Язык Английский, Испанский
Стоимость 25 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 10 часов

Lake Paron 4200masl is the largest lake in the Cordillera Blanca, on the Peruvian Andes, 32km east from the city Caraz.

Its nested and surrounded by several snow peaks specially by Pyramid 5885masl from where the Paramount picture company logo was taken.

Paron lake formed as a natural reservoir has a catchment area of 44.3km2, it is 3.7km long from east to west and average of 7000m width from north to south, the original depth was about 75m, but today the level was lowered 15m to prevent the collapse of the moraine, the water from the lake was formerly used for the canon del pato hydroelectric scheme, since 29 july 2008, this condition has ceased. The lake itself is within the borders of the Huascaran National Park. The water level is controlled by a tunnel and underwater gate, to keep water level at 4155masl aiming a double objective to prevent the overflow and the resulting risk for the downstream population and to manage the river discharge.

The high concentrations of dissolved lime give the water of Paron lake a turquoise color

It’s a popular day hike for those willing to acclimatize or even ride a Mountain Bike downhill (there is almost 2000m drop to caraz). Its possible to camp on the west and east shores and from the east end, an easy walk can lead to the impressive Artesonraju


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