Lake Huilcacocha - view of the Cordillera Blanca

Язык Английский, Испанский
Стоимость 25 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 8 часов

After a one day hike to Huillcacocha or Willcacocha, one may stay for the next challenges of Cordillera Blanca or Huayhuash for long treks or for climbing.

This amazing place in the Cordillera Negra is actually preferred by internationals coming for trekking and climbing and for its use for acclimatization. Huillcacocha is easy to access for beginners and experts alike, with clear marked trails combined with cultural interchange with the local community nearby. Our company gives you detailed step by step itinerary and information while you approach our guest service front desk.

Huillcacocha lies at 3600m and has plenty of wild ducks and humming birds, the stunning view of amazing Cordillera Blanca is extremely impressive for its wide display of snowcapped peaks and magnificent landscapes. You complete the hiking circuit at the lake and our guide will pick you up and take you to public minivans station (private groups – private car). We will drive to Chiwipampa along 10km ofpaved highway to the south side of Huaraz, here we cross the Santa River by the small bridge in the direction of Santa Cruz Village where we will start hiking-up to the Huillcacocha Lake. The short trek is a moderated ascent up a local trail for about an hour. During your hike you willmeet local people still wearing their traditional colorful Andean clothes. You will pass by their typical adobe houses, whilst taking the opportunity to appreciate the farming fields and observe the products they farm such as wheat, Barley, Oats Corn and potatoes as well as other products that are unknown in Europe and the USA. Once you arrive at the lake you may be surprised by the wonderful views of the Cordillera Blanca and the notoriously impressive Huascaran massif being the highest peak in the Cordillera Blanca with its 6768masl. There is an alternative trail to cross to the north side towards the cordillera Negra and get to the Huascar village, here the car will wait for the return back to Huaraz. You can thus avoid the same trail to come back to Huaraz, or you can come back to Huaraz the same way if you prefer


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