Churup lake - full day

Язык Английский, Испанский
Стоимость 25 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 8 часов

Churup lake at 4575masl, hiking is very popular and the trail is easy to the lake The trail starts with a very steep stone staircase as it traces a ridge up to a National Park area from hiking start point to the lake is 4.1km. From there, it levels off briefly and heads into the valley, then becomes very steep again, gaining altitude quickly. It briefly descends into a valley before going straight up a rock wall where scrabbling with fixed rubber ropes takes you up to the first laguna. The trail continues on the side of the lake up to another smaller high alpine lake


Early after the breakfast at hotel, pick up around 7am and drive to hiking start point to Pitec (a small village), which takes around 40 minutes. The minivan or minibus drop-off and start hiking-up, it takes around 3 hours along an established hiking trail to reach the lake. The final and most daunting section involves ascending a 9 meters rock wall using ropes that have been fixed there for the purpose. Having overcome this last hurdle, Laguna Churup, one of the most beautiful lakes in the Cordillera Blanca, is finally revealed. After stopping for lunch and photos, hikers return to Pitec along the same trail. From there, they must take transport back to Huaraz arriving around 4pm transfer to your hotel


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