Tashkent mountains in Spring (from April-November) Amirsay, Chimgan and Charvak

Язык Арабский, Китайский, Английский, Итальянский, Японский, Корейский, персидский, Русский, Испанский
Стоимость 150 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 9 часов

Day 1 Tashkent Mountains in Spring (from April)

Three main places to explore

Amirsay mountains

Chimgan mountains

Charvak Lake

- 08:00 AM: Enjoy breakfast at your hotel in Tashkent.

- 09:30 AM: Meet your guide and driver in the hotel lobby and Depart from Tashkent and head to Amirsay resort.

- Arrive at Amirsay resort. Take a cable car ride and explore the scenic beauty of Amirsay mountains.

•Participate in activities such as zip-lining, mountain biking, or simply enjoy the serene surroundings.

- Enjoy lunch at a restaurant within Amirsay resort, offering a variety of local and international cuisines.

- Depart from Amirsay and head to Chimgan Mountains.

- Arrive at Chimgan Mountains. Take a cable car ride to the top for panoramic views.

- Explore Chimgan Mountains, go for a hike, or engage in activities like horseback riding or quad biking.

- Depart from Chimgan Mountains and head to Charvak Lake. So Arriving at Charvak Lake. Take part in various activities:

- Swimming: Enjoy a refreshing swim in the crystal-clear waters of Charvak Lake.

- Boating: Rent a boat and cruise around the lake, soaking in the scenic beauty.

- Paragliding: Experience the thrill of paragliding over Charvak Lake and enjoy bird's-eye views of the surrounding landscape.

- 16:30PM: Depart from Charvak Lake and head back to Tashkent.

- in the end dropping to the hotel.



Transport (fuel)



Cabel Car payments

Any tips

Activities on the mountains




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