Baby Elephants' at Sheldrick's Orphanage

Язык Английский
Стоимость 75 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 3 часа

Baby Elephants' at Sheldrick's Orphanage

Duration 2 hours

Cost 75 USD per person

Capacity 1 person or more

Duration 3 hours

Language English

The tour starts from your hotel/residence in Nairobi after breakfast - 0900 am where the guide will pick you up and drive you outside the city towards Nairobi National Park gate, 20 kilometers, outside Nairobi.

Upon arrival guests shall be screened by the staff at the gate before entry to the arena where young elephants will be seen fed on milk and playing, rolling on muddy ground deliberately left alone so that their bodies can retain heat, wash bathe in mud to scrape off ticks and other parasites. Stay here up to mid-day, break off for lunch at a nearby garden restaurant, do some shopping at gifts shop then drive back to the hotel for a rest by the poolside.


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