Giraffe Centre Nairobi Half Day Tour

Язык Английский
Стоимость 80 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 5 часов

Nairobi Giraffe Center

Duration 3 hours

Cost 75 USD per person

Capacity 1 person or more

Language English

Attractions: Giraffe center's main attraction are the feeding of giraffes from a raised observation platform; the far forgetful roaming Warthogs(Pumbas) browsing in the compound and the magnificent Giraffe Manor - an outstanding exclusive boutique hotel owned by 'Safari Collections'.

The Giraffe Manor is one of the most unique places to stay in the world, yes, because giraffes usually eat meals of guests through the window as they enjoy morning weather from private rooms!

Now, while visitors and school children enjoy feeding the giraffes from the platform' nature walk another option worth trying is the scenic environment around where birds, insects and monkeys swing from tree to tree.

After lunch we will proceed for lunch and thereafter visit the gift shop and curio craft shops do little shopping at nearby mall go in for coffee at the Galleria center. Return back to hotel.


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