Secrets of Lower Manhattan

Язык Английский
Стоимость 50 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 2 часа

Step into the rich tapestry of history with our captivating walking tour of Lower Manhattan, as we unveil the remarkable journey of New York City from a Dutch colony to the pulsating metropolis it is today.

Our adventure commences in the enchanting Peter Minuit Plaza, named after third director of the Dutch West India colony of New Amsterdam. Unravel the intriguing tale behind his fabled purchase of Manhattan for a mere $24 in beads.

Wandering on, we’ll encounter the spot where a fort stood in 1625, passing hands from the Dutch to the British and eventually becoming an emblem of American history during the final days of the Revolution.

Nearby, immerse yourself in the serenity of the city’s oldest park, wrapped within its original 1733 fence. This historic ground once bore witness to the triumphant toppling of King George III’s statue.

Of course, we can’t miss the iconic Charging Bull statue, accompanied by the story of the controversial Fearless Girl.

A solemn visit awaits us at the grave of Alexander Hamilton, the esteemed first Secretary of the Treasury. Discover the gripping tale of his untimely demise in a fateful duel with Vice President Aaron Burr.

Strolling along the historic Wall Street, named after the protective barrier it once followed, we find ourselves amidst the grandeur of the New York Stock Exchange, a symbol of the global financial powerhouse. Witness Federal Hall, where George Washington’s inaugural oath resounded and which served as the country’s first capital. Nearby discover the building concealing $400 billion of gold beneath its foundations.

Meandering through the city’s very first paved street, we now find vibrant cafes and exuberant life. Then explore the footprints of a 17th-century tavern and the remnants of the old City Hall of New Amsterdam.

We conclude our journey at the oldest tavern in New York, where George Washington’s farewell to his officers resonates through time.

Book now to join us on this enthralling expedition as we unravel the historical heart of New York City and breathe life into its extraordinary past.


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