Cairo & Giza Pyramids Private Shore Excursion from Port Said

Язык Английский
Стоимость 600 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 12 часов

Why not disembark from the Cruise and embark on a brief excursion to experience one or two of Cairo's "must-see" attractions, such as the iconic Great Pyramids?

Indeed, adding a shore trip to your itinerary can transform your journey into a memorable adventure!

During this one-day tour, we will embark on a journey to uncover the best of Cairo's treasures. Our adventure begins with a visit to the awe-inspiring Great Pyramids of Giza, where we will delve into the rich history of the world's most renowned pyramid builders. We will unravel the mysteries surrounding the Great Sphinx, an iconic symbol of ancient Egypt that has stood the test of time.

Then, we'll visit the Cairo Egyptian Museum, home to over 250, 000 remarkable artifacts, offering a glimpse into Egypt's captivating past.


> Highlights:

• Pick-up: Arranged to align with your cruise timing and will be from the port gate.

• A scenic drive covering 230 kilometers or approximately 3 hours.

• Giza Plateau.

• Egyptian Museum.

> Itinerary:

• Giza Plateau.

• Optional exploration of the interior of the Great Pyramid of Khufu.

• Visit to the Valley Temple of King Khafre.

• Encounter with the enigmatic Sphinx.

• Exploration of the Cairo Egyptian Museum.

• Optional camel ride (maximum 30 minutes).

• Lunch break (Optional).

• Opportunity for shopping (Optional).

Includes: Me as your guide, A vehicle with a dedicated driver.

Excludes: Entrance fees, Meals, and Personal Expenses.

Please keep in mind that I can customize, expand, or shorten any of my tour itineraries, including this one, to suit your specific interests or accommodate your group size upon request.


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