Hiking Debela pec

Язык Bosnian, Английский, Немецкий, хорватский, Slovene, Serbian
Стоимость 396 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 5 часов

Debela pec with beautifull view

We will start with a short drive to the high plateau Pokljuka at Medvedova Konta. From here we follow a delightful trail through spruce forests before emerging at the snow covered alpine pasture, Planina Lipanca. Here you will see some traditional Slovenian high farm buildings and there is also a mountain hut where we take well needed refreshments. Our trip then progresses over more open ground before emerging on the summit of Debela Pec (2014 metres) commanding stunning panoramic views of the Gorenska region. With good visibility we will be able to see Lakes Bled and Bohinj, the Julian Alps, Karavanken Alps bordering Austria and south towards the Ljubljana plain. This is a truly breathtaking walk and a gret introduction to Slovenia trekking, suitable for active families and adult groups with average fitness and includes moderate gradients suitable for people of all ages.


We start with a short drive to the high plateau Pokljuka at Medvedova Konta. From here we follow a delightful trail through spruce forests before emerging at the snow covered alpine pasture, Planina Lipanca. Here you will see some traditional Slovenian high farm buildings and there is also a mountain hut where we take well needed refreshments. Our trip then progresses over more open ground before emerging on the summit of Debela Pec (2014 metres) commanding stunning panoramic views of the Gorenska region. With good visibility we will be able to see Lakes Bled and Bohinj, the Julian Alps, Karavanken Alps bordering Austria and south towards the Ljubljana plain. This is a truly breathtaking walk and a gret introduction to Slovenia trekking, suitable for active families and adult groups with average fitness and includes moderate gradients suitable for people of all ages.


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