3 day hiking Triglav seven lakes valley

Язык Bosnian, Английский, Немецкий, хорватский, Slovene, Serbian
Стоимость 1459 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 3 дня

We will 3 days hike in the Triglav National park in the Triglav seven lakes valley. It will be unforgetable nature and experience, also to sleep in simple mountain huts


Day 1

Blato meadow - Zasavska hut

From Blato meadow (1150 m) through 7 lakes valley hut (1685 m), to the Zasavska hut (2071 m)

The hike to the Triglav Lakes Valley, named for the country's highest peak and the national park in which it sits, is among the most popular. The valley is named for a system of (at least) seven lakes that sit in this high mountain valley. The lodge, that serves as the destination for this hike rests at the valley's southern edge at the Dvojno Jezero, or Double Lake in the heart of the Julian Alps and Triglav National Park.

This hike is also extremely picturesque, and a well-rounded representation of the geography and geology of the area, passing through high alpine meadows, valleys and pastures and lush deciduous and evergreen forests.

A breakdown of the trail, along with a few dozen images, is below. As with any mountain area, weather can change quickly. From Zasavska hut we have then unforgettable view on whole valley.

5 - 7 h, 700 m height daily


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