Predjama castle & Postojna cave

Язык Bosnian, Английский, Немецкий, хорватский, Slovene, Serbian
Стоимость 396 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 7 часов


Predjama castle, Postojna

Postojna Cave is the best-known cave in the world. It is also the greatest tourist attraction in Slovenia and one of the world's largest Karst monuments. What makes Postojna cave a must-see attraction of Slovenia? Starting with a unique and adventurous ride with a special train, it is one of the most diverse cave systems in the world, with 21 km of passages, galleries and magnificent halls, which offer an unparalleled experience of the underground world and a large diversity of underground animals - including the world famous human fish (proteus anguinus). The temperature in Postojna cave is a constant 9º C / 48 Fahrenheit, so you need to bring some warm clothes and comfortable shoes.

Twelve kilometers northeastern from Postojna is situated Predjamski grad (The Jama Castle). It is one of the most visited castles in Slovenia. Castle was built-up into the overhanging rock and vista to that combination of a nature and man work is really great. Walk through the castle halls is a unique event.


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