Excursion around the Julian Alps

Язык Bosnian, Английский, Немецкий, хорватский, Slovene, Serbian
Стоимость 340 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 9 часов

Road trip through Julian Alps

Our trip starts with the first stop at the Jasna Lake, one of the most beautiful panoramas. We will continue our trip on the 24km long road turns with 50 bends to Vršič pass. Meanwhile driving we will see so many fantastic views and also the Russian Chapel and famous Pagan Girl in the mountains looming across the valley. You will have so many opportunities to take beautiful pictures. Vršič is elevated at 1611m, it is the highest mountain pass in Slovenia. We will continue the road trip towards the magnificent esmerald waters of the Soča river. We'll have lunch stop in a nice restaurant in Bovec. We can also stop by the waterfall Kozjek - hike to him, or we can go visit the museum from 1st ww in Kobarid, which was in 1998 nominated for the best museum in Europe. Then we'll continue towards Tolmin, through soča valley, where we will board on the car train and drive to Bohinjska Bistrica - this is a very special experience. We will organize a custom made tour - according to your wishes.

Cost on spot not included

101 € - 60€ for transfer -

30-35€ for car train

6€/person for visiting museum


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