Stol hiking Tour

Язык Bosnian, Английский, Немецкий, хорватский, Slovene, Serbian
Стоимость 396 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 10 часов

We will be transferred to Zavrsnica, the starting point, from where we'll walk towards Valvazor Hut. And from there we will continue towards the top of Mount Stol - highest peak of the Karavanke mountain range, and feast your eyes on the stunning views across Bled and the surrounding landscape. 1636m


Stol is a rounded 'two-headed' mountain, which embellishes the background of many postcards from Lake Bled. It is the highest summit of Karavanke mountain chain and is easily accessible to all those who are physically reasonably fit. The fastest way to ascend to the top is from 'Valvasorjev Dom' hut above Žirovnica town. The path is steep, the views are awesome - during the ascent you can admire the Julian Alps, and when descending you wil be looking towards eastern peaks of Karavanke chain. There is another hut just below the summit ('Prešernova Koča' hut) - it is open only in summer.


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