Sunrise on Mt. Viševnik

Язык Bosnian, Английский, Немецкий, хорватский, Slovene, Serbian
Стоимость 340 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 6 часов

This morning begins with a short drive to high plateau Pokljuka which is also the location for an annual Biathlon World Cup. From here we follow a mountain path runs along the route of the Visevnik ski lift adjacent a spruce forest. The trail is fairly easy underfoot starting on open ground before it becomes a litlle more broken and rocky towards the Visevnik summit. Once on the summit you will have beautiful views towards Mt. Triglav, Tosc, Bohinj Valley and Lake, the Karavanken mountains and surrounding mountains in all directions. The summit is the perfect place for our breakfast stop where you will have plenty of opportunity for photograph before we begin our easy descent back to Rudno Polje. In the months of September and October you will also be able to see various wild mushroom species on the forest floor with a stunning array of shapes and vivid colours. . This is a relaxing walk with stunning views for minimum effort - enjoy!


Mt. Viševnik is probably the most visited 2000-meter peak in Slovenia. The altitude of its starting point and the simplicity of ascent are the main causes for its popularity. Plus the view is great too. The most popular path is the direct one from Rudno Polje to Viševnik, but less hikers decide to ascend aross 'Srenjski Preval' saddle. We will do a round trip and if you wish, you can make a short 'detour' in the lower section of the descent and 'loose yourself' for a moment on lonesome unmarked footpaths.


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