Climbing on Mt. Mangart

Язык Bosnian, Английский, Немецкий, Serbian
Стоимость 510 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 5 часов

Mangart - Enjoy this adventure in a half day Hiking tour

Mt Mangart (2678 m) is a peak of the Julian Alps, lying in the border between Italy and Slovenia. It is Slovenia's fourth highest mountain and is very popular during the summer months due to its convenient access. Namely, the Mangart road (Slovenia's highest road) takes you above 2000 altitude meters just below Mangart's rocky summit pyramid. The road ends at the Mangart saddle. From there, we'll hike about 30 minutes until we reach the entrance of the Slovenian via ferrata route. There are two routes running across it: the Slovene route is rather demanding, but the Italian is somewhat easier, that fore we will climb on the easier route down. This is a relatively short tour onto a majestic mountain with a magnificent view. Either way, the mountain is fantastic!

It will take between 1 to 2 hours to complete the route. Even though it's quite technical, it's still suitable for beginners. Finally, we'll descent on the Italian route, back to the Mangart saddle.


8. 00 We meet at the beginning of Mangart mountain road, we drive together on the mountain road to Mangart settle

9. 00 start to hike - climb on Mangart - helmet recommended!

12. 00 we will be on top. Short break and enjoying the view, snack

15. 00 back to the car and then driving to the valley or we can have lunch in the mountain hut


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