1 Day Kilimanjaro Hike Machame Route

Язык Английский
Стоимость 540 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 1 день

You want to have a taste of Kilimanjaro hike in one-day? Choose a Mount Kilimanjaro Machame Day Hike whereby you will trek from Moshi to Machame Camp on Kilimanjaro. Starting by driving from your hotel in Moshi (transfer request from Arusha is available) and hike from Machame Gate (1800m) after a short drive, hikers cover 11km (22km round trip) to reach Machame Camp at 3000m. The challenging 4-5 hour ascent winds through diverse landscapes, from lush rainforests to moorlands, providing stunning views and encounters with local flora and fauna. Registration and permit acquisition at Machame Gate are essential. Altitude considerations, physical fitness, and weather preparedness are crucial for a safe and rewarding experience. The trek offers a condensed taste of Kilimanjaro's beauty and aids in altitude acclimatization.

Day 1 Machame Gate to Machame Camp

Montane forest is the main attraction and it start few minutes after crossing the main gate. It is dense forest with a lot of species of plant such as Impatients Kilimanjaro, a flower which is found only at Mount Kilimanjaro. You might also see Blue Monkeys and black and white Colubus Monkeys.

NOTE: The Company will provide lunch which will be included in your payment.

NOTE: It is possible to take a 3 day, 2 night hike of Machame and Marangu routes. This hike is ideal for people who are not able to climb to the summit because it stays below 4000 meters.


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