Kakheti Wine Tour 🍇

Язык Арабский, Английский, Русский
Стоимость 23 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 10 часов

First Stop In This Tour it is Manavi village, where will be tasting of Georgian National Sweet - Churchkhela

Second Stop In This Tour it is Badiauri village, where will be tasting of Georgian National Bread - Shoti and also tasting of four different type of cheese

Third Stop Will be Bodbe Monastery - Cementory of Holy Nino, lady who tooks Christian religy in Georgia. Will be sightseeing of this area and history of it.

Fourth Stop There vill be - City of Love Signaghi, where we will get walking tour around the city and also will visit Great Wall of Signaghi.

Last Stop There will be wine tasting in the city - Telavi. Wine will completed from four different type and also national Georgian drink Chacha and Brandy.


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