Sacred Valley Tour with Pisac Ruins: Private Full-Day

Язык Английский, Испанский
Стоимость 140 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 10 часов

Visit the highlights of the Sacred Valley on this 8- 9 hours private tour. See Awanacancha or the Cochahuasi Animal Sanctuary, the Pisac Ruins and Market, Ollantaytambo and finally, Chinchero view point (Only if you go back to Cusco).

Enjoy this day trip, accompanied by a PRIVATE guide and transportation and hotel pickup and drop-off. If you want we can drop you at the train station in Ollantaytambo or at any hotel in Urubamba.

Included in the Price:

- Private English or Spanish guide

- Private Transportation

- Hotel pickup and drop-off

- All activities

Not Included in the Price :

- Entrance fees per person: 70 Soles for all the Incan sites

- Meals & Beverages

- Gratuities

- Accident and Health Insurance

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