Group evening walk through the fabulous Khiva

Язык Английский, Русский
Стоимость 30 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 3 часа

Khiva looks like a revived eastern fairy tale. And in the evening haze of the day departing it is even more beautiful! You stroll through the old streets along the powerful fortress walls, are impressed by the grandiose buildings - traces of the ancient empire of Khorezm, consider the carved columns of an amazing mosque. You will also hear stories, legends and legends about Khiva rulers and rich men.

Ichan-Kala Citadel

The inner city of Khiva is surrounded by a powerful fortress wall. According to legend, the clay for the creation of Ichan-Kala was brought from the same places where the prophet Muhammad took it during the construction of Medina. The guide will tell you about ancient legends, as well as how the citadel was built, how Khiva’s development has progressed over the centuries, which celebrities visited these places and how the city lives in the 21st century.

Pakhlawan Mahmud complex

You will see the tomb of Khiva Khans, which is considered one of the best examples of Khorezm architecture. It is named after the legendary Khiva hero, furrier - by profession, outstanding fighter, poet and philosopher - by vocation. There is a legend that there is no defeat on his account.

Kunya Ark Fortress

You will visit another «city in the city» in the heart of Ichan-Kala. There used to be a winter and summer mosque, a mint, the Khan’s chancellery, a reception hall and various workshops - all that the Khan needed and his close for public service, living and entertainment.

Tash Howli Palace

Take a look at the magnificent main palace of the rulers of Khiva. It was built on the orders of Allakuli Khan. At that time Khorezm was at the peak of prosperity, so the Khan spared no money to decorate his possessions.

Madrassah and minaret Islam Khoja

Take a look at the city symbol and Khiva’s tallest minaret. And the guide will tell you more about the architect’s plan - why he built a majestic minaret next to the smallest madrasah.

Juma Mosque

And of course, we will not overlook the most central and unusual mosque of Khiva with 213 carved wooden columns. You will learn about the style of Khiva wood carving, take a closer look at it and be surprised at the skill of the performance.


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