Samarkand - Gastro tour:pilaf,samsa,tandir meat

Язык Английский, Французский, Немецкий, Итальянский, Русский
Стоимость 100 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 5 часов

Uzbek cuisine is probably one of the richest in the East. Visiting Samarkand and not try a layer of pilaf, juicy samsa and the right tandir meat - it means not to know anything about Uzbekistan. Delicious food is loved here, and prefer to cook carefully and inspired. Do not hesitate (and do not have breakfast!): you are waiting for the most famous dishes in those places where they are cooked best.

Two hits of Uzbek cuisine

How many patterns can be seen on the Uzbek carpet, as many types of pilaf can be found in the Uzbek kitchen. We will offer you Samarkand pilaf. It is served not mixed, but laid out layers: first rice, then zirvak (grilling) and top meat. The second dish of Uzbek cuisine, which has a lot of fans - samsa. Small puff pastries, can have a variety of toppings - from classic mutton to delicate turkey and even pumpkin.

Best tandyr gusht(meat)

Tandyr Gusht («meat in tandyr») - the nail of our program. After him we will go to the mountain pass. Cooked tandyr gusht in a traditional clay oven with a huge heat capacity, due to which the dish literally melts in the mouth. For cooking usually take lamb meat and marinate in odorous spices: juniper, paprika, zire, salt, black and red pepper. This dish is treated to guests in all of Uzbekistan - and now a real tandyr gusht will try and you!


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