RIGA, Latvia: Mahler's symphonies from "MAESTRO" film - 1

Язык Английский
Стоимость 400 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 3 дня

"MAESTRO TOUR" 23-25.02.2024 with the music of Gustav Mahler, from film "MAESTRO". Mini tour in fabulous Riga, including concerts of the Latvian National Symphony Orchestra. G.Mahler-Symphony No.5

Walk with a professional guide and exploring the Old Town - included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Mini-concert with organ music in the Сathedral in Riga. Cathedral tour.

Latvian National Symphony Orchestra's concert in the Large Guild, conducted by star conductor Tarmo Peltokoski with the 5th Symphony on Mahler, with the famous “Adagietto”, used in the film “Maestro”. Large Guild - amazing Gothic style building, one of the oldest public buildings in the Baltic states.

Preparation for the concert - in the form of recordings, reviews, performance history of the work, context from the manager's point of view - about the country, national stars, place in the classical music market.


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