Chichen Itza, private cenote/food experience & Izamal

Язык Английский, Испанский
Стоимость 2414 MXN за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 9 часов

Avoid crowds, beat the heat, no tourist traps, get to taste the best of Yucatan cuisine home made cooked and swimm in a private cenote off the beaten path.

Our 5 50 am departure, will guarantee to be the first one to enter in Chichen Itza and have amazing pictures. In the archaeological site you´ll learn the importance of the city and history of the mayan culture. A cenote off the beaten path, which is own by a family with mayan heritage. Plenty of time to enjoy the crystal clear freshwater of the cenote. Traditional home made food degustation with fresh ingredients & hand made real tortillas all prepared at the moment. In Izamal you can climb the mayan pyramid of Kinich kakmo, walk among the magic streets of the city and visit the convent.

Average time to stay in each location:

Chichen itza 2.5 hour guided tour & free time

Cenote and food degustation 2.5 hours

Izamal 1.5 hour guided tour & free time

Back in Merida between 4 to 5 pm

Transportation included

Professional licensed tourguide at all times

Chichen itza foreign visitors state tax $524 mx not included

Chichen itza mexican citizens state tax $182 mx

Private cenote & Food experience $300 mx not included

lifejacket available ( not obligatory)

includes: Sopa de lima, guacamole, panuchos, salbutes, cochinita pibil, hand made tortillas, hibiscus flower cold tea & fresh fruit

Vegetarian options


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