Private tour to Memphis, Sakkara, Dahshour

Язык Английский, Испанский
Стоимость 60 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 8 часов

Trip Details :

If your are interested to visit the oldest region in Egypt so go ahead and book this tour.

The guide will pick you up from your location and will start the tour to Saqqara where you will visit the Step pyramid of King Djoser ,the builder of the first pyramid in Egypt 2700BC, then you can see other pyramids and visit them from inside as Unas Pyramid and Teti pyramid .you have the chance to visit tomas of ministers and high priests. After that you can move to Dahshour where existen the first Complete pyramid of histroy names by King Senfru pyramid ,there you will visit both pyramids built for the King. Later on your guide will take you to visit Memphis city where you can see the Hudg Sleeping statue of King Ramsis 2 and the Alabaster Sphinx of the same King.

All trasfers with A/C Vehicle.


Hotel Pick Up and Drop Off

Entrance Fees


A Bottle Of Water


All Extras Not Mentioned In Inclusions

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