Day Tour To Luxor From Cairo By Flight

Язык Английский, Испанский
Стоимость 300 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 1 день

Trip Details :

Our representative will pick you up from your hotel in Cairo and takes you to the airport to fly Luxor .Our tour guide we’ll meet you to show you the most famous historical sites in Luxor, the valley of the kings where existed tombs of the most famous kings of the new Kingdom where they were buried inside with their treasures. You will get in to see the tunnels inside the tombs and the rock rooms.

There is availability to enter inside the tomb of king Tutankhamun, the golden king but with extra ticket, then you will visit the temple of Queen Hatshepsut she’s considered one of the most beautiful ancient Egyptian ladies and she’s one of the most powerful persons that ruled the country during the 18th dynasty After that you will get your lunch in a nice Egyptian restaurant and get some rest to continue your tour .After that you will be taken to karnak temple ,it is the largest temple complex ever built by people.Then you will visit Luxor temple and the Clossales of Memnon .By the end of the tour you will return back to catch your flight to Cairo .At Cairo airport our driver will be waiting for you to take you back to your hotel.

All transfers by private AC vehicle cars.


Hotel Pickup and Drop Off


Entrance Fees

Egyptologist Tour Guide

Lunch at Local Restaurant

A Bottle Of Water

All Service Charges and Taxes

Any External Mentioned In Inclusions

Entrance Fees Inside Tutankhamun Tomb

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