Jakarta Highlights

Язык Английский, Французский, индонезийский
Стоимость 150 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 8 часов

There is so much to see and experience in Jakarta, the soon to be ex-capital of Indonesia. Believe it or not, but more languages are spoken here than those spoken in the whole of European Union with Sundanese, Javanese being the major local languages spoken but also Acehnese, Mandurese and many others. That is how diverse this city is, a melting pot, the city where every one stands a chance to make it big, the Indonesia's version of American Dream, if you like. And with it, comes along the rich variety of food. Name any types of food and delicacy from every corner of this country and you can find them here.

As a city established over 600 years ago, Jakarta is also rich in history. Historical sites to visit include the old town in the west left by the Dutch at the beginning of the 20th century, the National Monument or the recently renovated state Istiqlal mosque built in the seventies. All these, in addition to many museums and parks found all over the city. Whatever experience you are looking for, you will probably find most of it in Jakarta. Did I mention that you can go ice skating in Jakarta all year long not just in one but two locations?

The itinerary of this package is not specific, but is made according to your interest or whether time allows (Jakarta is a busy city and heavy traffic is a rule, rather than exception, but this is part of the experience). This package is for a group of up to 4 people and includes guiding service, car, fuel, driver, and museum entrance fees.


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