Nizwa & Jabal Shams tour. 🇴🇲

Язык Английский
Стоимость 300 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 8 часов

Nizwa and Jabal Shams tour.

Driving from Muscat to Nizwa is about 175km to reach the historical town of Nizwa where you can see the variates of spices, dates, Omani halwa and Omani silver from one shop to another.

16th century fort of Nizwa can be visited and entey fees is 5 OMR per person.

Later we drive further west, passing the village of Al Hamra towards Jabal Shams. Reaching Jabal Shams from Nizwa is about 80km.

The altitudes of the Jabal Shams is within 6000ft and temperature would drop to 50% from the lower ground level.

On top of this mountain ⛰️ you will see the most spectacular canyon deepens to 1000 meter below.

Enjoy the beautiful views of the mountain before starting to drive back to Muscat.

Cost of tour.

USD 300 or EUR 275

Tour Includes.

1. 4x4 vehicle with fuel.

2. Driver / English Speaking Guide.

3. Water along the tour.

Not Inclusive.

1. Lunch.

2. Entey fees.

3. Any extra charges not mentioned above.


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