Wakan Village

Язык Английский
Стоимость 265 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 8 часов

Day tour to the village of Wakan. This village is located north west from the city of Muscat and is about 110km from Muscat. Driving time would be not more than 1 hour & 30 minutes. However taking this tour would give you the opportunity to see the fort of Nakhal as well the warm spring water comes from the bottom of the mountain. This place called Ain Al Thawarah.

Wakan village is situated between the village of Nakhal and Rustaq which also is below the northern foot of Jabal Akhdar.

The altitudes of this village is about 1600 metres.

Expectation on this village is breath taking. Also there over 600 steps to reach to its peak, otherwise you may enjoy the scenery of plantations views within the village.

Cost of this tour.

USD 265 or EUR 239

Tour Includes.

1. 4x4 vehicle with fuel

2. English Speaking Guide / Driver.

3. Drinking Water along the tour.

Not Inclusive.

1. Lunch

2. Entry fees for the Nakhal fort.

3. Anything else not mentioned above.


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