Nizwa and Jabreen castle.

Язык Английский
Стоимость 260 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 8 часов

This tour gives you the highlight of history and culture.

Starting from Muscat driving to Nizwa and this will be the first stop at Nizwa city where you meet local Omanis driving their own local shop selling from dates, Omani Halwa, Spices, Antiques and more.

Later we visit Nizwa Fort. The fort is about 400 year old but it has been renovated in 21st century with its original look as it was from the past.

Note: Entry fees for the fort is 5 Omani rials per person.

After Nizwa we drive to Jabreen Castle and this would take about 30 minutes to reach to the Castle. The Jabreen Castle is isolated from the main town but it is one of the beautiful castle in Oman. You will be amazed with its original 400 year old painting on ceilings and wall decorations.

Note: Entry fees to this Castle is 3.150 Rials per person.

If time allows us we may stop at Bahla fort for photo stop before we drive back to Muscat. Bahla fort is a UNESCO world heritage and it is about 1600 years old.

Driving distance for this tour is about 380km

Cost of this package is 265 USD.

The tour package includes.

1. Driver / English Speaking Guide

2. Vehicle 4x4

3. Fuel

4. Drinking water along the tour.

Not Inclusive.

1. Entry fees.

2. Meals.


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