Nakhal fort and Fish market of Barka

Язык Английский
Стоимость 240 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 7 часов

Nakhal is a village with many dates palm trees and warm spring water which comes from the depth of hajar mountains.

Nakhal fort is one of the oldest fort and is beleave to be 1500 years old. Located at high hill which gives an absolute clear visibility throughout the village. It has been renovated from its original shape.

We also pass at Barka to visit the traditional fish market. It is an opportunity to see local Omanis bring their fresh fish from the sea and sold by auction before it gets sold to the individuals at the main souq.

Distance drive for the whole trip is about 200km

This tour cost is 240 USD.

Tour Includes.

1. Driver / English Speaking Guide

2. 4x4 vehicle with fuel

3. Drinking water during the tour

Not Inclusive.

1. Entry fees

2. Lunch


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