Язык Английский, Французский, хинди, Японский
Стоимость 120 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 11 часов

Located in the Northern part of Kathmandu valley, Shivapuri Narjun National Park lies about 12 Kilometer away from the center of capital city. The Shivapuri hill is the second highest hill near Kathmandu valley at an altitude o f2563m. It is the origination point of revered rivers, Bagmati and Bishnumati. Sprawled over 159 with dense forests it is home to 177 species of birds, including at least 9 threatened species, 102 species of butterflies with a number of rare and endangered species, and 129 species of mushroom. Several surveys have recorded the existence of Indian Leopards, Himalayan Black bears, deer, wild boar and many other precious animals in the park. Shivapuri is also one of the famous bird watching sites around Kathmandu valley, which records over 170 species of the birds.

Day itinerary

6:45 Am: Meeting at Thamel

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Hiking at Shivapuri National Park

5:15 PM - Drive back to Thamel


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