Mount Dorje Lakpa Expedition Overview

Язык Китайский, Английский, Французский, хинди, Японский
Стоимость 4400 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 4 недели

Mount Dorje Lakpa lies at the elevation of 6988m and is east of Langtang valley and south of Shishapangma (Tibet). Dorje Lakpa is one of the challenging yet very popular destinations in the Langtang region which was off-limits to the climbers until 1981. Mount Dorje is visible from Kathmandu and also from Nagarkot when the weather is very clear and it is very well known for its elegant pyramid shape. The trail passes through Nepalese villages, Rhododendron forests, pines, bamboo, and other floras.

The first successful climb was made by a Japanese expedition in the late 1960s through the west ridge. Again in 1992, Carlos Buhler made a solo climb of Dorje Lakpa. Having known for its high avalanche risk, this mountain receives challenges in seeking the climber’s attention. The route to Dorje Lakpa begins from Kyanjin Gompa, heading towards Dorje Lakpa base camp. This peak climbing is definitely for experienced and skilled mountaineers. Gears like ice ax, harness, ropes, and crampons are used to Mount Dorje Lakpa Expedition.

This trek/climb takes 30 days including climbing days and with proper rest. Mount Dorje Lakpa Expedition cost around 6000-6,500$Including permits, travel insurance, transportation, food and accommodation, gears, clothing etc.

Outline Itinerary

Day 1- Arrival in Kathmandu

Day 2- Kathmandu- Shyabrubesi 7-8 hours drive

Day 3- Shyabrubesi- Lama hotel 5-6 hours walk

Day 4- Lama hotel- Langtang Valley 5-6 hours walk

Day 5- Langtang valley- Kyanjin Gompa 3-4 hours walk

Day 6- Kyanjin Gompa-yak Kharka 5-6 hours walk

Day 7- Yak Kharka- Dorje Lakpa base camp 5-6 hours walk

Day 8- 23 climbing period

Day 24- Base camp- yak kharka 5-6 hours walk

Day 25- Yak Kharka- Langtang village 8-9 hours walk

Day 26- Langtang village- Lama hotel 5-6 hours walk

Day 27- Lama hotel- Shyabrubesi 5-6 hours walk

Day 28- Shyabrubesi- Kathmandu 7-8 hours drive


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