Kosciuszko Expedition Overview

Язык Китайский, Английский, Французский, хинди, Японский
Стоимость 0 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 5 дней

Kosciuszko Expedition is one of Australia’s most famous mountaineering and rescue expeditions. Mount Kosciuszko lies in New South Wales in Australia and is one of the seven summits. It stands tall at a height of 2,228m(2.228km) which is the mainlands of Australia. It is a part of the beautiful Australian Alpine National Park and Reserve. Paweł Edmund Strzelecki, who was a Polish Explorer, named Mt. Kosciuszko. The mountain resembled Tadeusz Kościuszko’s mound back in Poland, so it was named after him.

Mount Kosciuszko has a lot more to offer besides being one of the seven summits. The location isn’t as remote as other mountains which makes it more accessible. Also, Kosciuszko Expedition is well balanced which makes the climb more like a refreshing hike. The mountain’s location within the National Park is another plus point. It allows its travellers to see beautiful and amazing twisted trees of Eucalyptus (snow gums). Travellers can also get sights of beautiful flocks of migratory birds. They can even find unique animals like burramys on their way. The National park is also famous for being a ski destination among the travellers. Yearly marathons during the month of December are other gems of this park. Besides these, travellers can also experience the beautiful and astonishing rivers and fall during the expedition.

Outline Itinerary

Day 1: Flying to Australia either in Sydney or Canberra or Melbourne

Day 2: Travelling to Thredbo or Jindabyne

Day 3: Climbing Mt.Kosciuszko and returning back to Thredbo or Jindabyne on the same day

Day 4: Returning back to one of the three cities of Australia

Day 5: Flying back home


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