Bungee Jump and rafting in Nepal

Язык Китайский, Английский, Французский, хинди, Японский
Стоимость 653.02 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 2 часа

One of the most famous bungee jumping spots is the Bhote Koshi River gorge, where a suspension bridge serves as the platform for this heart-pounding adventure. Participants take a leap off the bridge, free-falling towards the roaring river below before experiencing the rebound of the bungee cord. The combination of breathtaking scenery and the adrenaline rush of the jump makes bungee jumping in Nepal an unforgettable adventure for thrill-seekers.

Trishuli, Seti, Bhote Koshi, and Kali Gandaki are some of the popular rivers that offer diverse rafting experiences, catering to both beginners and experienced rafters. The rivers provide a perfect blend of challenging rapids and serene stretches, allowing participants to navigate through cascading waves and enjoy the breathtaking scenery along the riverbanks. Rafting in Nepal is not just an adrenaline-pumping adventure but also an opportunity to connect with nature in one of the world's most spectacular settings.


Experience the thrill of bungee jumping from a suspension bridge

Feel the adrenaline surge as you take a daring leap, free-fall

Navigate through exhilarating rapids, providing an adrenaline-pumping adventure


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