Casablanca: History, Architecture & Beyond

Язык Английский
Стоимость 400 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 6 часов

- Let's start our exploration at your preferred location - be it the hotel, port, or airport, as you suggested. Our first destination is the iconic Hassan II Mosque, a masterpiece of Moorish architecture.

- After a brief 10-minute drive, we'll immerse ourselves in the scenic beauty of Corniche Ain Diab. We'll pass by the historic Hotel Anfa in the Anfa district, where the charm of the past meets the present.

- A 15-minute drive brings us to the cultural crossroads of Mohamed V and United Nation Squares. From there, we'll embark on a leisurely walk, uncovering the art deco architecture, and pausing to explore the vibrant Central Market.

- Resuming our journey with a 20-minute drive, our next stop is the enchanting Habous Quarter, where the blend of traditional and modern architecture invites you to delve into the heart of Casablanca's cultural heritage.

** Our tour is designed with flexibility in mind. If there's anything you'd like to add or skip along the way, The lunch stop is also optional **


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