Casablanca Jewish Heritage & Highlights

Язык Английский
Стоимость 500 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 6 часов

- Let's start our exploration at your preferred location.

- Our first destination is the illustrious Beth-El Synagogue, a 1930 architectural gem. Dive into the Jewish Museum of Casablanca, an immersive showcase of artifacts narrating the community's history. Stroll through the Old Jewish Mellah, revealing historical charm and traditional houses.

- Discover the unique Ettedgui Synagogue, a religious significance and architectural diversity. Pay respects at Jewish cemeteries like Ben M'Sik and Mellah, embodying the enduring legacy.

-Lunch : Optional.

- Engage in the bustling Central Market, a sensory delight blending Moroccan and Jewish influences. Culminate your journey by savoring Jewish-Moroccan cuisine, from savory couscous to aromatic tagines. This odyssey promises an enriching immersion into Casablanca's Jewish tapestry, leaving indelible imprints of history, culture, and culinary fusion.

- Optional Highlights: Mosque Hassan II, Corniche Ain Diab, Mohamed V square, Place Nation Uni, Habous. .


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