Fes Day Trip

Язык Английский
Стоимость 900 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 1 день

Let's start our exploration at your preferred location - be it the hotel, port, or airport, as you suggested and drive 3h30 on the highway to Fes city.

- Upon your arrival in Fes, seize the opportunity to start your exploration at the majestic The Royal Palace of Fes, or Dar el-Makhzen, is a majestic architectural wonder showcasing Moroccan craftsmanship.

- Next by is Fes Mellah: Historic Jewish quarter in the Medina, a cultural enclave within the heart of the city.

- We'll drive 10 mn to Borj Nord Fes: A historic fortress providing panoramic views of Fes, blending military history with breathtaking vistas.

- An other 10 mn Drive to Pottery Village of Fes: An artisanal enclave where skilled hands shape vibrant ceramics, offering a glimpse into the traditional craft and artistic heritage of Morocco.

- head Back for 20 mn to Discover the labyrinthine streets of Fes' ancient medina, a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Depart for Casablanca in the late evening, ensuring you have enough time.


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