Visit Rabat

Язык Английский
Стоимость 600 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 1 день

### Morning:

1. **Departure from Casablanca**: Begin your journey early in the morning to make the most out of your day trip.

2. **Royal Palace of Rabat**:

- Spend about 1 hour exploring the area around the Royal Palace. While visitors can't enter the palace itself as it's the official residence of the King of Morocco, the architecture and gardens are impressive.

### Mid-Morning:

3. **Hassan Tower and Mausoleum of King Mohammed V**:

- Drive approximately 10 minutes to reach these historic sites.

- Spend around 1-2 hours exploring the Hassan Tower, which is a minaret of an incomplete mosque, and the nearby Mausoleum of King Mohammed V, where the late king and his sons are buried.

### Lunch:

- Since lunch is optional and the tour is designed with flexibility, you can choose to have lunch either in Rabat or on the way back to Casablanca, depending on the group's preference and schedule. There are plenty of restaurants in Rabat offering traditional Moroccan cuisine.

### Afternoon:

4. **Kasbah of the Udayas (Kasbah El Oudaya)**:

- Drive approximately 10-15 minutes from Hassan Tower to reach Kasbah El Oudaya.

- Spend around 1-2 hours exploring this picturesque fortified city with its narrow streets, blue and white buildings, and stunning views of the Atlantic Ocean.

### Flexibility:

- Depending on your interests and time constraints, you can add or skip certain attractions. For example, if you're interested in art and culture, you might want to visit the Museum of Contemporary Art in Rabat or the Rabat Archaeological Museum.

- If you have extra time and want to experience more of Rabat's charm, you can explore the Medina, stroll along the Bouregreg River, or visit other historical landmarks such as Chellah Necropolis.

### Return to Casablanca:

- After exploring Rabat and its attractions, head back to Casablanca. The drive takes about 1 hour, so plan accordingly to reach Casablanca by late afternoon or early evening.

By following this itinerary, you'll get to experience the highlights of Rabat while still having the flexibility to tailor the day trip according to your preferences. Enjoy your journey!


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