Embark on a historic journey from Accra to Ghana's Central Region

Язык Английский
Стоимость 150 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 10 часов

Emark on a day trip from Accra to Cape Coast

Visit the main attractions: Assin Manso Slave river, Kakum National Park and Cape Coast Castle.

I arrange special trip to Cape Coast and back in Accra with very comfortable transportation and flexible timing. I make sure your needs are met and you'll see the beautiful and historic attraction in central region within a day.

If you have more days then there a lot to explore and I make sure your needs are met. My tours are very flexible, you can tell me what you want to do or see and I will have a tailor made tour for you.

• Assin Manso Slave River • Cape Coast Castle • Kakum National Park • Hans Cottage Crocodile Pond

The tour starts from Accra.

The road trip estimated to be 3-4h.

Our first stop will be at the Assin Manso Slave River. Here you will witness History, something that humanity should never face again.

Have lunch.

After which, we (myself and visitors) make our way to the Kakum National Park, home to forest elephants, bongo antelopes and primates like the Diana monkey, The Canopy Walkway, suspended 30 meters above the ground

The last stop will be Cape Coast Castle. Cape Coast Castle is one of about forty "slave castles", or large commercial forts, built on the Gold Coast of West Africa by European traders. It was originally built by the Swedes for trade in timber and gold but was later used in the trans-Atlantic slave trade.

We head back to Accra.

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