Signagi - Bodbe - local winery - 2 people

Язык Английский
Стоимость 430 GEL за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 8 часов

The city Signagi retained almost the same features as it had 200 years ago. In 18th century, the king Heraclius the II officially announced it as a royal city and strengthened the city wall. At that time, the town was mainly inhabited by merchants and artisans.

In Bodbe Monastery, Saint Nino`s relics are shrined. She was from Cappadocia and an enlightener of Georgian Nation. St. Nino moved from Mtsketa to Bodbe and continued religious activities. She was buried here. She is enshrined in Bodbe monastery, in the church of St George.

Georgia is known as the cradle of wine. Georgia has 8000 years history of winemaking. Georgians produce up to 500 different varieties of white and red grapes. The oldest grape varieties just preserved in Georgia and we cannot find them anywhere else. Wine keeping procedures are also different. In Georgia, wine is kept in the large clay vessels, called Khvevri.

-Pick-up from hotel

-Bodbe Monastery

-Signagi city tour

-Signagi city wall

-Signigi St. Stepanozi church

-Lunch break

-local winery

-Return to hotel



Private Transportation

Private Tour guide


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