Ostrog Monastery Tour

Язык Английский
Стоимость 200 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 5 часов

Ostrog Monastery tour

The Ostrog Monastery was built in the XVII century by both people and nature. Carved inside the cliff of the mountain Ostroška Greda, it represents the most sacred place, visited by religious people from all around the world. Famous for its healing powers of Saint Basil relics, Ostrog Monastery is the most visited religious place after Mount Athos and place where Christ was buried.

It is located 900 meters above sea level, in the central part of Montenegro, with two-hour drive from Kotor.


Transfer from Kotor to Ostrog Monastery

Passing by Perast, Risan, Lipci, Slano Lake, Nikšić

Coffee break with breakfast at a restaurant (of your choice) - 20 minutes

Arrival to Ostrog Monastery

Free time to visit upper and lower Monastery

Departure to Kotor

Lunch break at a restaurant (of your choice)

Arrival to Kotor

On the way to Ostrog you will enjoy the beauties of Boka Bay and Slano Lake with breaks for taking photographs.


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