Muldai View Point Trek

Язык Английский
Стоимость 350 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 5 дней

Muldai View Point Trek from Pokhara is a newly introduced trekking package in the Annapurna region of Nepal. Short Muldai View Point trek is a remarkable journey to the Muldai view point to enjoy 360-degree views of the Himalayas like Annapurna, Dhaulagiri range, Lamjung, Fishtail, and Gangapurna.

Muldai view point lies inside the Annapurna Conservation Area, the first and the largest Conservation Protected Area in Nepal.

The route to Muldai View Point Trek from Pokhara passes through the hills, lush rhododendron forests, and a skyline dominated by the gigantic Himalayas. En-route to Muldai View Point, the warm hospitality of the lcoals in Ghandruk will overwhelm you. Muldai short trek is a community trek, great for an off-the-beaten-path experience.

Muldai Trek is also considered an excellent alternative to Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek.

Muldai View Point Trek Itinerary:

Day 1: Pokhara to Ghandruk by jeep/ bus then trek to Tadapani

Day 2: Tadapani to Dobato

Day 3: Dobato to Ghorepani

Day 4: Ghorepani to Hile

Day 5: Hile to Pokhara by jeep/ bus

Including in package: -

1. All permits

2.Three times food on mountain (B/L/D) with a cup of hot drink


4.Accommodation in mountain


Excluding in package: -

1.No bar bill

2.Tips for trekking stuff

3.Donation if needed

4.Trekking equipment

5.Travel insurance

6.Any kind of drinks except a cup of hot drinks

7.Shower, camera charge, battery charge and Wi-Fi.


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